Runes Bridge (Testnet)


Before starting the bridging process between Bitcoin and SatoshiVM, ensure the following:

  1. MetaMask Wallet: Have MetaMask installed and configured to interact with the SatoshiVM Testnet.

  2. UniSat Wallet: Ensure your UniSat wallet is ready for the transaction process.

  3. Understand Runes protocol.

Mint SATOSHIVM•RUNES for testing

1. Navigate to UniSat Testnet

Access UniSat Testnet to mint SATOSHIVM•RUNES, a Runes token deployed on Bitcoin Testnet.

2. Mint SATOSHIVM•RUNES directly

Connect your Bitcoin wallet and mint SATOSHIVM•RUNES directly:

2.1 Generate the transaction for minting

Click "Next" and follow the prompt to generate the transaction for minting.

2.2 Fill in the recipient's address

Fill in your Bitcoin Testnet address to receive SATOSHIVM•RUNES.

2.3 Submit and pay the minting invoice

Submit and pay the prompted invoice to process the minting transaction.

3. Check your SATOSHIVM•RUNES balance in UniSat

Note that it generally takes a few minutes to get your Runes balances updated in UniSat.

Deposit: Bridge SATOSHIVM•RUNES to SatoshiVM

1. Navigate to the official BTC bridge

Access the official BTC Bridge page (Testnet) and select SATOSHIVM•RUNES for depositing.

2. Deposit RUNES on Bitcoin Testnet

2.1 Choose the amount of SATOSHIVM•RUNES for depositing

2.2 Confirm the deposit transaction in UniSat

3. Monitor progress on the History page

Once the deposit is initiated, monitor your transaction's progress on the SatoshiVM Bridge History page. This section provides real-time updates on the status of your deposit.

4. Check destination address balance via SatoshiVM Explorer

After completing the deposit, check the destination address balance using the SatoshiVM Explorer. Confirm that the equivalent amount of SATOSHIVM•RUNES has been transferred to your SatoshiVM address.

Last updated