
SatoshiVM is a decentralized Bitcoin ZK Rollup Layer 2 solution compatible with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) ecosystem, using native BTC as gas. Empowered with the ability to connect both Bitcoin and EVM ecosystems, it seamlessly merges the value anchoring of BTC with the programmability of EVM, bringing infinite possibilities to the evolution of the new ecosystem.


SatoshiVM closely monitors the development of emerging technologies within the industry, committed to integrating the advantages of these technologies with its own characteristics. We continuously explore new possibilities to enhance SatoshiVM's capabilities. Recognizing the crucial role of rapid technological evolution in project development, we actively seek and adopt new technologies that can elevate SatoshiVM, ensuring that we remain at the forefront of the industry and provide users with an outstanding experience.

SatoshiVM is a Bitcoin Layer2 solution that incorporates the ZK Stark algorithm and Taproot script. Given that Bitcoin itself does not support overly complex programs, SatoshiVM executes complex smart contracts off-chain and utilizes the technical features of Taproot Script to verify the results of certain off-chain computations on the BTC blockchain. Similar to the concept behind bitVM, SatoshiVM compiles high-level language programs into a series of low-level opcodes off-chain. Following the principles of electronic computing, these opcodes can be represented in the form of digital circuits (logic gates). Ultimately, by expressing the logic gate circuits in the form of Bitcoin Script, it is possible to simulate the operation of part of the logic gate circuit on the Bitcoin blockchain when necessary and observe its results.

The SatoshiVM Yellow Paper highlights that, with the aforementioned approach, arbitrary computations can be executed off the BTC blockchain, and only when necessary, certain minor steps of the off-chain computation process are verified through on-chain validation. This achieves an effect similar to Ethereum Rollups like Arbitrum. Furthermore, SatoshiVM employs zkEVM as the execution environment to generate ZK Proofs, which are submitted to off-chain validators for verification, thereby reducing the computational pressure and bandwidth consumption of nodes. To address censorship resistance issues, SatoshiVM also proposes the SVMZK scheme to achieve censorship resistance for the sequencer.


SatoshiVM is a community-driven project, and we look forward to achieving long-term stability and development of the protocol through the collaborative efforts of the community and the project. We firmly believe that community engagement and cooperation are key to the project's success.

SatoshiVM places a strong emphasis on early users and collaboration with ecosystem partners. We encourage their active contribution to the project. In SatoshiVM's Tokenomics and future decision-making, we will always prioritize the interests of all community participants. We are committed to establishing an open and transparent community to ensure fairness in the decision-making process, while fully respecting the community's voice, aiming for mutual long-term success.

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